Welcome to FRIDGe

This repository is for the Fast Reactor Input Deck Generator (FRIDGe)

View the Project on GitHub ryanstwrt/FRIDGe

Chart of the Nuclides

To create materials in FRIDGe, the corresponding elements must be present in the directory fridge/data/CotN. Each element needs is own YAML file and contains seven variables for inputting data; where each variable and its associate input can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Variables for Element YAML file.

Variable Name Variable Type Unit Example
Name str Silicon
ZAID int 14000
Isotopes list of ints [14028, 14029, 14030]
Abundance list of floats wt % [0.92223, 0.04685, 0.0392]
Mass list of floats amu [27.976926, 28.976494, 29.973777]
Density float g/cc 2.33
Linear Coefficient of Expansion float K-1 2.432e-6

Name is a string containing the name of the element. ZAID is an integer denoted by 1000 * Z (proton or atomic number). Isotopes is a list of ZAID’s where each isotope in the element is denoted by 1000 * Z + N. Where N is the mass number (protons + neutrons) of the isotope, and Z is the atomic number. Abundance is a list of the natural abundances for the isotopes (this is in atom percent and can be found in any Chart of the Nuclide). Note: for elements with no natural abundances an entry of zero is allowed. The weight percent can be set later in the material card. Mass is a list of nuclide masses for each isotope listed and is given in amu’s. All abundances and masses were obtained using IAEA’s Live Chart of Nuclides [1]. Density is the density of the natural isotope in g/cc. Linear Coefficient of Expansion is the coefficient of thermal expansion in K-1.

[1] “Livechart - Table of Nuclides - Nuclear structure and decay data”, www-nds.iaea.org, 2019. Available: https://www-nds.iaea.org/relnsd/vcharthtml/VChartHTML.html.